Wednesday, August 1, 2012

3 year anniversary

Three years ago today I married my best friend. I promised to stand with him through all of the highs and lows of life. Luckily for me, most of life with him has been highs. In these three years we have done a lot! We have been to Disney World twice, we drove to Mexico for a mission trip once, we have lived in 4 different homes, we bought a house, bought two cars, we totalled a car in the middle of Arkansas, we drove to Vegas, have been pregnant 3 times, had 2 miscarriages, drove to Texas to see Wicked, and went to Colorado with my family. We have learned a lot about each other, and have grown so much closer together. I can honestly say that I enjoy being with him and everyday seems to just get better. I am so thankful for the husband that he is and the father that he will be. He is still my best friend and I am so excited to spend eternity with him!

A short list of some of my favorite things about him:

He loves God. This is really important to me because together we have worked so hard at having a Godly marriage and will work at being Godly parents. He has taught me so much through his walk.

He is so caring and thoughtful. He always asks me if there is anything he can do for me.

He is just as excited about our baby as I am. He rubs my belly all the time, kisses it, and speaks to it in Spanish. He jumped right on board with my crazy idea to paint a huge tree in our nursery and even did most of the work for it.

His dreams. He has such big dreams for our family and he wants so badly to be doing Godly work. He feels like we are very much called to missions and every job decision he makes is to work in that direction.

He is WAY smart. I love seeing how his brain works. He knows so much about how everything works and if he doesn't already know how it works, he is really good at figuring it out.

He is the best husband ever. I never imagined marriage could be so fun. I love having sleepovers with him every night. With a baby on the way, I know that the next three years will have even more adventures! Our life is changing in the best way possible.

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