Monday, October 15, 2012

40 Weeks, 1 Day

I am officially past my due date.

I have been having mild contractions. They are extremely regular, at 3 minutes apart nearly on the dot. They last about a minute each, but aren't painful at all. Greg and I went to church Sunday morning and people kept telling us that we needed to go to the hospital, that some people never have painful contractions. So we went in and I am dilating, but not very fast. The nurse seemed to think that I am in early labor, but this could last a week. She told me to go home and rest, so instead we went to the mall and walked as much as possible, then went home and I sat on my exercise ball while eating spicy food, and drinking red raspberry leaf tea.
I am incredibly impatient waiting for this baby to arrive. We thought that she would be early, but she is so comfortable right now it seems she will never come out! I know that she will come out when she is ready, but I am so ready! I want to cuddle her and give her kisses!

We took this picture right before we left for the hospital, I had hoped it would be the last belly shot, but it looks like I will be this big for a bit longer.
How far along? In my 41st week.
Stretch marks? yep
Sleep: It is really difficult to sleep through contractions that are 3 minutes apart. However, I have been pretty lucky with sleep up to this point.. 
Best moment this week: Greg's birthday was Friday and we had a lot of fun celebrating.  
Miss Anything? Caffeine in general. 
Movement: She really seems to hate contractions. She moves a lot right now.
Food cravings: Still no cravings.   
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still sick from everything, but there is an end in sight.      
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Real contractions.
Symptoms: Definitely waddling rather than walking now!
Belly Button in or out? Outie.
Wedding rings on or off? Off. I can't wait for them to be back on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy!
Looking forward to: Having this baby any day now. Desperately hoping I won't have to write another of these posts!  

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

38 Weeks, 2 Days

She is very comfortable in my belly! I keep joking with Greg that she will be late. The doctor thought that we would already have her, but she seems perfectly content staying where she is.

We officially are done with Kris' room. We found a really awesome dresser, well, by we I mean Greg. I told him I was too stressed to look any longer so I asked him if he would find one, and I swear not two minutes later he found the perfect one. We went to get it in Norman, and it was in perfect shape! There was seriously not a scratch on it. It is fifteen years old, but looked brand new. So we Greg and the nice man loaded it into my father in law's truck and we left. As we were leaving, the dresser fell over in the bed of the truck and got a decent sized dent in the front and on the top. So now it has character! :)

I will be posting photos of the complete nursery very soon. I am so happy with the way it turned out. It is just beautiful and exactly what I envisioned. I really wanted it to be classy and not cheesy, girly, but not whimsical. I think we did a good job with the design.

To help give her a little push to come soon, I have been doing all of the 'natural' induction strategies. She won't come until she is ready, so I am just hoping these things will help her to feel a little more ready. I have been eating pineapple and walking quite a bit. Other than severe braxton hicks contractions which I have been having for a while, there have been no signs of her coming out anytime soon. I want to hold her so much! I think of cuddling with her while reading a book and it just makes me smile so much. I can't wait to smell her and give her kisses.

My next blog post is probably going to be pretty in depth. I will have photos of her nursery and a lot of the items in it. I want to show off some of the awesome things we have received from friends and family, and also some crafty things that Greg and I did to make the nursery even more perfect.

But for now, on to the regular update:
How far along? In my 39th week.
Stretch marks? yep
Sleep: Not getting much these days. My mind won't shut off, and my dreams have been crazy. 
Best moment this week: We had "Be The Church" on Sunday. It is a day when our church went out to the community to help rather than doing regular scheduled worship. It is amazing what gifts God has given us to use. I am so impressed with the turnout and all that the church was able to accomplish.  
Miss Anything? Pumpkin Spice Cappuccino is out right now and I can't have any yet :( 
Movement: She is moving a lot, but not as strong. I think she is stretching a lot in there.
Food cravings: Still no cravings.   
Anything making you queasy or sick: everything lately, I am still very sick      
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms: Being sick, looking huge, ya know, the usual.
Belly Button in or out? Outie.
Wedding rings on or off? Off. After the fair I got really swollen from petting the horses. I knew I was allergic to horses, but had never had a reaction like this. The swelling went down some after some allergy medicine, but hasn't gone away entirely yet. The rings fit, just not comfortably.
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy!
Looking forward to: The three day weekend!  :)