Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 28

Anyone struggling with infertility probably has a love/hate relationship with day 28.

Day 28 is the day we either start a new cycle, or find out we are pregnant. Today is day 28. My update is severe cramping and knowing that I will start soon, therefore, I am not pregnant. It occurred to me this morning, while cuddling with my sweet husband and apologizing for not being able to make him a daddy, that we started trying around August of 2010. That makes about 17 months of no birth control and not being able to become pregnant.

This is the first cycle that I have tried Clomid. Clomid is medicine that is used to induce ovulation. The only thing we know that is wrong with me, is that I do not ovulate. Clomid does have a good reputation in aiding with pregnancy. I have heard success stories left and right. Yet, I have little hope that it will work for me.

Waking up this morning with cramps was the worst feeling. Knowing that today, the dreaded day 28, came with cramps and bloating is incredibly depressing.

Please, pray for answers, and for peace for my husband and I. Often when watching the news I feel angry with God that He lets such horrible people have children only to hurt them or kill them. I ask that you will pray that I can more easily accept His plan, rather than getting angry about not understanding it.

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